Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Little things

Sometimes it's the little things in life that make you the happiest. I realized this past weekend was the bomb!! My oldest daughter went on an overnight trip with my husband out of town, so my youngest daughter and I had "girl" time. We had our nails done, got hair cuts, then massages. It was freakin fabulous!! 
It's not like we went to some fancy spa or spent a million bucks, but we really had an amazing time together. So, sometimes it's the little things that are really the biggest.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Being Thankful

I have realized I have very much to be thankful for. I came to this realization when I thought about my complaints in life. Most, if not all of my complaints have to do with me.
 I am completely loved by my children and my husband, and I honestly couldn't ask for more than that.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

High Temps

Good afternoon!
Today is such a beautiful day here in Boston. It's been freezing cold with snow storm after storm, but not today! Today is in the 50's and everyone is running around dressed like it's summer outside. how wonderful! I Wonder what the temps are like elsewhere?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I'm already being tested.
Maybe it's just my day to day life, or my negative attitude, but my neighbor is making it VERY hard to be positive! LOL 
I Know, blame it on the neighbor, but honestly... My neighbor hates me and has just started a war.
I guess the way to stay positive is to not join the war, but that is sooooo out of character for me.
right now I'm thinking of www.mailpoop.com, or something along those lines.
NO!! I won't do it, but I can think it. Right???

I guess at this point I need some self adjustment. Something to get my mind off of the topic. I have a million and one things I could be doing right now. SHOULD be doing right now, so I will leave it with this...

Monday, March 9, 2015

A negative mind...

Today is a brand new start

I have decided that I need to put more of my energy into being a positive person.
I find lately that it's easier to be negative at the spur of the moment as I Shoot off some snarky wise ass comment instead of stopping to think before I speak.
 Well, that's not how I want to live my life anymore. I'm not saying I'm going to give up sarcasm, just use it more appropriately. If that's even a thing. 
If not, I guess I'll find out!!

Yeah!! This Quote is Perfect!!
So, wish me luck on my new journey. I think I'm going to need it!! Oh, and please feel free to join me on my new venture.